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Hi everyone

I wanted to share what made me get started in a new company again, as I have changed companies often. So here goes.


After walking out on my narcissistic partner, almost 2 years ago, I had to completely start again. I went into my own cleaning business as a way to pay the bills however I knew it was never going to be more than a job, and it was very hard on my body. I started to get back pain and realised, I had to get serious about creating an income that didn’t impact my health.

I have been in direct selling for most of my life and having left the industry for a while, I decided to join a direct selling company that I thought was going to be a way for me to eventually buy my own home. I want to have my own independence, as living with my parents, has challenges, and someone in their 60’s, shouldn’t be living with their parents. However, I found as a year went by I could no longer promote that company, the products were great, but just a few things that did not align with me. It was too hard for customers to buy and a confusing career plan, just to name a couple.

Financial Problems

Last year was a very challenging year as I wrote off my car in August, and due to finance on my car, it left me with just 4K to buy another car, so I bought my van – which was great for my month-long trip to Victoria but is not suitable for driving each day, as it is old and hard on fuel. This was so, frustrating, as I didn’t have a consistent income to get a loan for another car and I have been driving Mum & Dad’s car, which I don’t enjoy. I am grateful I have it, but I am also aware if something happens to it, it leaves them without a car.

Return to Party Plan

I decided to change it up and joined a party plan company in homewares, which I had loved in the past and only left due to my toxic ex-partner and his manipulation. I was just starting to get this going, earlier this year, when a past colleague from my Bodyshop days, shared that a new company in the wellness, skincare, and makeup space was launching in Australia. I checked it out purely as a sticky beak and was instantly hooked. I loved everything about what I saw.

My New Company

I joined straight away as so many things aligned with me from the get-go. Products everyone needs and wants. Affordable prices. A free VIP program, which makes it easy for customers to shop and save money. A career plan that is simple to follow, with no breakaways where you lose income, and most importantly one that I can align my values with and passionately share. I just knew I could help so many people, start a business from home, with no barriers to get started, with free joining options.


Products are so important in any business, as without good products we don’t have a business and after using the products for a month, am in love with everything I try,

We have products that are clinically proven products with patented technology across 5 ranges. Wellness, Skincare, Make-up, Body & Hair. Products are affordable, exclusive to us, high quality and they work. Learn more about products here

I have team members and customers loving the products too. They are seeing results on the weight loss products, and have had customers already upgrade to become a consultant, as they can see the income opportunity we have here.

Hard decision

It was not easy leaving my homewares business, as I thought, what are people going to think, Here she goes again, changing companies again. I could easily have stayed put, for that reason, but I knew deep in my soul, that for me to have any chance of earning a consistent income, and the chance to buy my own home in a couple of years. I had to find a company that had consumable products, that people loved and used every day, A global business that was expanding and most importantly of all. I had to be fully aligned with every aspect of the business. I am happy to say my new business ticks all those boxes and more.

The future

I am not going anywhere, and I am planning on building a team and a large customer base in the coming months & years. I have products that not only help my well-being & health but people I care about and the people I meet who either join my team or become one of my customers

Changing companies is hard but I refuse to stay in the same place when I know, I can’t promote it anymore, and I am no longer aligned with it. After all, the opinions of others won’t pay my bills or help me have the life I want. I’m here for the long haul, committed to a path that resonates with my soul and promises a future filled with purpose and prosperity.

If my post has made you curious about the company that has got me excited again – have a look at my website

Thanks for taking the time to read my story

Until next time


“There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.” ― Aristotle

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