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My Blog 

Why is Collagen such a hot topic?

Why is Collagen such a hot topic?

I have just started taking a Collagen supplement, this has led me down the path, of why it is important and also how confusing it can be. In recent years, collagen has gained significant attention in the beauty, wellness, and health industry. Understanding Collagen:...

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Advantages of an online income

Advantages of an online income

What are the advantages of having an online income? It is different for everyone – for me, it is the option of traveling to various locations and being on the move.   For many of you, it might just be having an extra stream of income coming into the family budget.   ...

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Changing Companies Again!!

Changing Companies Again!!

Hi everyone I wanted to share what made me get started in a new company again, as I have changed companies often. So here goes. Background After walking out on my narcissistic partner, almost 2 years ago, I had to completely start again. I went into my own cleaning...

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A Year of change.

A Year of change.

I love this time of the year, it's a time of setting new years resolutions, new goals, and exciting plans for the year to come. As I look back on the year that is about to end, the changes that happened during the year have been mindblowing. The year started with the...

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Love being a trusted house sitter.

Love being a trusted house sitter.

I am back house sitting and it feels great. It feels so good to enjoy house sitting again.  I  enjoyed a lovely 6 week sit in Melbourne back in June,  which gave me the space after leaving my ex in  QLD and making the move away from a toxic situation to heal and...

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Why I no longer did the things I loved!

Why I no longer did the things I loved!

I have always been crafty,  I remember my nana always crocheting,  doing very intricate work and cross stitch and I still have some of her doilies she made to this day.  Mum was always very crafty, making perspex bags,  copper pictures, cross stitch, and many more...

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Losing control of your wardrobe.

Losing control of your wardrobe.

I have a lot to be grateful for during my time with this “amazing” man,  he did help me to be more confident and dress more confidently in the early stages of our relationship,    I never wore dresses before I met him and after encouragement from him, I actually love...

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The Fairytale

The Fairytale

Yes, it was a fairy tale, I was looking for a life partner, and I had decided I wanted to meet someone to set up a house with and create a future with. I was 56 and I didn't want to be alone. For some reason, I had made the decision, I couldn't be happy unless I was...

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Experiencing Inner Peace

Experiencing Inner Peace

Today more than ever, looking after our mindset is very important. Inner Peace and living your values is the key to a happy life. Inner Peace, isn’t that what we’d all love to experience consistently as we weave our paths through everything life gives us? The good...

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How to find more time in your day!

How to find more time in your day!

Hi There Finding time is one of our challenges we all face. Sharing some tips here to help you find more time to do the things you really like to do, We are too consumed by our work hours and then by our responsibilities towards family and society that we get very...

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Ten Tips on how to have a fantastic day.

Ten Tips on how to have a fantastic day.

Do you set the intention each day to make it a good one. No one can make your day a bad one unless you allow them. It is completely up to you to decide how you are going to take things that happen today. You are in charge of the steering of the ship. Here are some...

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